Case studies
The blends are Dietary Supplements designed for use as part of a comprehensive care programme. These case studies are for anecdotal interest only. Each therapist is responsible for their own clients. Under no circumstances do we suggest to people to come off their current medication. If in doubt please speak to your health provider.
Practitioner Sandra Laing. NR11 Norfolk
45 year old lady with long term fibromyalgia has been steadily improving over the last 18 months using homeopathy and flower essences. She contacted me by email on 14/02/2019
Hi Sandra I know we are meeting Monday however over the past 3 weeks I have had steady daily to now extreme nerve pain, primarily in my hands, arms, neck, head, left side more into my ear, and I’m determined to dissolve this without medication.
I wouldn’t normally do this but beside myself with pain and lack of sleep.
I’m not sleeping much and pain is about 9/10 hence my enquiry ahead of Monday.
I prescribed Neuralgia+, Joints and Rheumatics, and Emotional Stress. 3 drops 3-4 times a day. Her partner had to drive her to collect the remedy as she was unable to drive herself.
The very next day on 15/02/2019 I received this email:
Thank you, thank you, thank you.The remedy has worked wonders. Within half an hour the pain had eased significantly. I’m so relieved not only pain wise but also that I didn’t have to resort to medication and was able to maintain my firm belief in the alternative holistic treatments.Still tired and muscles tight but feeling free from the pain, thank you so much Sandra.
I saw my client at our scheduled appointment 18/02/19, to which she was able to drive. She had taken the remedy 4 times a day for 4 days and had slept the last two nights uninterrupted. Each dose had given her about 4 hours of relief before repeating.
Practitioner: Aishah Hussain-Qureshi. London E17
Case no 1. My infant son. Boil near ear so he was put on blood/lymph but not much response as most of the boil had already cleared out. The problem was because of the boil a sabaceous cyst formed and noting was touching it. Got referred to hospital. I then put a few drops of promyr in coconut oil and voila, cyst shrunk in one night and is all healing up nicely now. The hospital wanted to put him on antibiotics and under general to cut it out.
Case no 2: Fertility case. Put on Emotional (Hb E and Female hormone balance Hb F alongside homeopathy. Pregnant within the month.
Practitioner: Tracy Karkut-Law. London E3.
A client who I’ve been treating for ‘spots’ came back feeling her skin is much improved from Hb Skin, nothing else in the mix. I started her on Hb B (blood and lymph) and Hb M (gentle liver detox) but no significant shift at that time. Homeopathic remedies were Foll, Tub and Thuja as a triad.
Practitioner: Deborah Phethean.
We got a rescue puppy at 16 weeks old. He had been chemically wormed when he was given up. When it came to re worm him I rejected the chemicals and used Homeobotanical WORM mix instead. A few drops in his water bowl for a week. I repeated again after 1 month (to address the egg cycle). Around two months later, whilst playing in the field, my dog passed the most incredible worm. It looked like undigested spaghetti! I was a bit shocked, but it is common for pups to ingest worm eggs in kennels I was told. So I did another week of worming and waited for a month. After a month, I sent a poo sample off to Wormcount who test for all worms and worm eggs. The results came back clear. No worms for my dog! I will repeat the test in a further three months but that, (and scrutinising his poo) there have been no more worms passed to date.
Practitioner: Khush Mark. Kingston and Richmond.
28 year old female presented with fatigue, bed most weekends to recover from week for the past 14 months. Symptoms included: Debilitating migraines, Acne, Bloating, Water retention, Lows and highs (to the point some days she felt she was losing herself), Hopelessness, IBS and constant Nausea. Her symptoms started 10 months after having the contraceptive patch. Although several friends suggested the contraceptive patch may be the cause, she was not convinced, because she’d had it for 2 years and the symptoms didn’t start until 10 months later. She finally did get the patch removed but her symptoms continued to deteriorate and she was refused another patch as there was breast cancer in her family. When she came to see me she had already started a sugar free detox and begun drinking a lot more water. Her symptoms had slightly improved, the nausea had gone, but bloating was worse, she was also still getting the debilitating migraines and feelings of hopelessness that left her feeling overwhelmed and alone.
We started with a detox for the contraceptive patch. She was very sensitive so we proceeded slowly, using Homeobotanicals (herbs at a low potency to nourish and support her detox organs). Once the detox has been completed her symptoms had cleared by 90%.
She had a few migraines at the beginning of the detox, I prescribed homeopathic bryonia and gelsenium which arrested them. I prescribed Nat Mur as her constitutional homeopathic remedy at the 4th session. Since finishing her last remedy, she has not had a single migraine, energy physically and mentally had improved dramatically and all symptoms cleared.
I hope this will help you look at detox in a totally different light. Not the kind of ‘avoid all dairy, meat, sugar and gluten’ kind with lost of juicing but the more personalised type that results in curative measures and supports your organs to work at optimum level. Why not give it a try? I’m now helping her mother through the menopause to great results.
General testimonials from practitioners
Practitioner Deborah Kerslake. West Sussex, Horsham.
Female late 40s, dynamic and successful. Presented with severe flu like symptoms with copious mucous and a raging headache which she had been unable to shift for 3 months despite seeking medical help and over the counter medication. The most distressing symptom to her was she now had no energy left and was feeling exhausted and lethargic. I gave Hb Promyr as an anti viral and pre antibiotic to make sure the original virus was dealt with, Hb Dynama to give her some energy to fight back and Hb M (migraines) to help with the headaches. One week later she reported that she was feeling GREAT, lots of energy, headache much less, however she still had copious mucous and breathing restrictions. I prescribed Hb C (colds and flu) as a drainage remedy for catarrh, Hb R (respiratory) to help clear her airways and Hb X (eXpectorant) to again help expel the mucous. One week later I asked how she was and she said she was feeling GREAT. All symptoms gone. Feeling excellent and full of beans (her words).
Male mid 60’s waiting for a hip replacement for the past 5 years. Retired, lives in a top floor flat, was finding it increasingly difficult to get up the stairs, had tried everything the doctor gave him plus plenty of natural supplements from the health food shop but nothing had helped. I gave him a bottle of Hb J, Trauma and Devils Claw for joint pain, soft tissue and inflammation. After a week he said the pain was more in control, after three weeks he was walking better. Six weeks later he said the remedy was making a huge difference in his life and he was getting out much more and dealing with the stairs so much better. I kept him on a maintenance dose until he had his hip replacement, ironically (as he had been waiting for so long) only 6 months later.
Practitioner: Patricia Raven. London TW15.
I am having lovely results with a client who presented with side effects to Meningitis and the Lumbar puncture. Tinnitus, dizzy, vomiting and terrible head pain, really poor sleep due to vertigo on lying down, weight loss and anxiety. I put together a bottle with Hb Cerebra, Trauma, Neuralgia, Nutria and Emotional. I also added Bach flowers to support positivity and calm. 3 days after taking the drops 3 times a day he reported having a full night sleep, appetite returning, no vertigo on lying down. He feels great.
Practitioner: Helen Lee. DSH RSHom HbT. Devizes and Marlborough.
Woman 40s, Hb Detoxa, Hb Female+, Hb Nutria for meopausal and detoxing HRT. Sleeplessness due to flushing most of the night. Since first dose no flushes. Amazing result as the women had flushes for years!
70 year old female with S.A.D. “I have more energy, my mood has lifted, I embrace each day. My acid reflux is under control, my back no-longer aches. Thank you so much for all your wonderful help Helen”. This is a quote from my 70 year old SAD patient who I have been treating for various ailments with homeopathy for several years. I gave her Homeobotanical Emotional, Digestion, Emeta, Hb O and Devils claw for inflammation.
50 year old male with food and nail fungus. My patient has been using over the counter nail fungus treatments for years but to no avail. He has regular check up with a podiatrist who prescribed a urea based cream for the foot fungus and athletes foot, that just didn’t seem to shift the fungus. I gave him Homeobotanical Promyr in an Aloe Vera base gel to use twice daily. Within a week he started noticing improvement, within a month it’s nearly clear. His podiatrist is amazed and wants to know what the magic treatment is! He continues to use the gel daily and has been for several months to keep the fungus at bay.
55 year old female patient with no energy. I have been treating her for several years to help her menopausal symptoms using homeopathic remedies. She came to me with a complete lack of energy and I suggested trying some Homeobotanicals. She has Emotional, Female+, Nutrition and Spectra in one tonic and feels so much better, she now comes for a ‘top up’ regularly and uses the tonic as a supplement, taking it daily.